Monday 22 January 2018

Letter to Miss King

To Miss King

I would like to learn social studies and sign language. I think they would be really fun to learn.

In social studies we could learn about other countries and history.

My Aunt is a NZSL interpreter and she teaches people how to speak in sign language too. On Scarlett's birthday we had some hearing kids visit with their deaf Mum's and they could all speak sign language too. It is good being able to talk to the deaf people I have met.

I hope you can try and make these things happen.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew!

    This is a wonderful letter, it is really well thought out and respectful. You have also provided some really great reasoning why you would like these changes to happen too, awesome work!

    I really like your suggestions to your principal, especially learning sign language in school - I think that would be awesome, I have also always wanted to learn sign language.
    You Aunt sounds like a great resource for the school - I think this would be an amazing team up.
    Has she taught you a little bit of signing?

    Learning social studies is another great suggestion - I was really interested in the history of other countries in primary too - I wanted to learn more about Egypt and Greece. What would you like to learn about?

    Great job Andrew - I think that you should consider suggesting these to your principal this year, I am sure she would love to hear your feedback!
    Ellee :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.