Wednesday 30 May 2018

Riddle Me This

Jasper was taking a cat, a chicken and some grain to market.
To get there he has to cross a river in a boat which only fits two items (persons).
The cat will eat the chicken if left unattended, the chicken will eat the grain unattended.
How will Jasper get to market with all three?

First he would take the Chicken over.
Next he goes back over and gets the grain.
While he is there he takes the Chicken back over and drops it off.
Then he takes the cat over.
Finally he goes back and collects the chicken

I fly without wings, I cry without eyes. What am I?


People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I?

Cutlery, bowls and plates.

Mr Smith has 4 daughters. Each daughter has one brother. How many children does Mr Smith have?

5 because each daughter has the same brother.

Mr Brown was killed on Sunday afternoon. The wife said she was reading a book,
the butler said he was taking a shower, the chef said he was making breakfast,
the maid said she was folding clothes and the gardener said he was planting tomatoes. Who did it?

The Chef. He said he was making breakfast.

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