Sunday 23 December 2018

Weaving a Tall Tale

I have tried flax weaving at school before - we made arm bands and I have also done it with grass (I just made a long line that time) I would not like to become a flax weaver though because it looks very fidgety and hard making difficult things - I get annoyed with fiddly things. I think it would take a lot of practice to get good at flax weaving and make cool things. My Mum says she would like some flax baskets to use as bags at the supermarket.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew!

    I am glad that you have already tried flax weaving - It's okay you didn't enjoy it though, I can understand that it could get very frustrating and fiddly!
    That's really cool you guys made arm bands... was it for something special or just to give weaving a go?

    I quite like doing crafty things that make me have to problem solve...I started to teach myself how to macrame two years ago and that reminds me of flax weaving a little bit! Lots of problem solving :)

    Is there another kind fo craft that you like to do?
    Maybe there is another way you could make your Mum some bags for the market?

    Thank you for sharing Andrew!

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)


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