Monday 16 December 2019

SLJ - Setting Sail

If I was setting sail for a long sea voyage I would pack these 10 items of food:

1. Droewors - Because it is high in protein and fat so will keep me going for longer, also it will last for months. It is a South African food and translates to 'dry sausage' and I think it is delicious, we make our own.

2. Dried Fruit - I like the taste of most dried fruits and they also last for ages without spoiling, the Vikings used to take dried fruit on their journeys.

3. Rice - It lasts for ages and if you eat it it gives you high energy. The Spanish Armadas used to take this on their voyages.

4. Salted Fish - Lasts months without spoiling and I think it would be interesting to eat - I like fresh fish.

5. Beef Jerky - Because it lasts ages.

6. Apples - Because they last for 6 months to a year and they are delicious.

7. Pasta - It lasts for ages and is delicious to eat.

8. Honey - Can last for the large time between 2 months to 7 years and can sweeten up plenty of foods.

9. Rolled Oats - Because it lasts for 5 to 10 years and sometimes I quite like to eat them.

10. Unsweetened chocolate - I don't like chocolate much at all but it lasts for a long time and might be a nice change when I got sick of everything else.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew

    Welcome back to the Summer Learning Journey for this year. Its great that you have completing the activities again. My name is Allie and I will be one of the people commenting on your work this summer.

    This is a great example of exactly what you needed to do for this activity. So well done! I like that you have clearly stated why you would take each item with you. The droewors sound really great. I would like to try them. Its great that you make your own, I bet they are tasty. Can you make different flavours of these?

    I am really looking forward to reading your work over the summer, I am sure that you will again do a great job.
    Enjoy your last few days at school. I saw your school had a pet day on Monday, that looked like fun! Did you take a pet? I would love to take my dog to school, she would think that is just great!!

    Keep up the great work!

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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