Thursday 23 January 2020

Everyday Heroes

5 ways to help the people affected by the fires in NSW are:

  • By getting people to sponsor school kids to have a working bee.
  • Doing a community garage sale.
  • Volunteers such as builders, fencers, machinery drivers etc. going over to help rebuild.
  • Make up packages of necessary things to send over.
  • Invite people to come on holiday here to get away from it all.
Image result for australia fires

1 comment:

  1. Hi again Andrew,

    You have thought of some great ways to help the people affected by the fires in NSW.

    I think the idea to have a working bee with people sponsoring kids to take part in the working bee! What a great idea! Would they be sponsored for a certain amount per hour that they work at the working bee?

    A community garage sale is a neat idea too. I’m sure there would be a lot of people who would be willing to sell some of these stuff to raise money.

    I also love the idea of making some care packages to send over. What sort of things would you include in these packages?

    Ka mau te pai Andrew! Another amazing SLJ post.



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