Thursday 23 January 2020

Overcoming Adversity

Last winter I hurt my Achilles tendon. I was playing 3 sports (Football, Rugby and Basketball) and I had to be really careful with my training and games so that I didn't let my team down. I went to the Physio and she taught me how to strap my leg and showed me some good stretches.


  1. Hey Andrew!

    That sounds really painful! Did you keep playing even though you were hurt? You must have been so strong!

    Were there some things that you had to stop doing while you were injured? It would be really hard if you had to give up some things you enjoyed until your leg was better. When I broke my arm I wasn’t allowed to jump on the trampoline for a really long time! That was really hard for me because I used to spend ages jumping around on it. I hope you didn’t have to give up too much!

    What was the hardest part of being injured? Were there any things you were able to do it make things a bit easier?

    Nice work thinking of this example!

    Matilda :)

  2. Hi Andrew,

    Yes I did keep on playing sports but I couldn't play full games and at training I had to go easy. If I got pains in my leg I would have to fake a really sore injury so I could go back on when I was better.

    The hardest part of being injured was probably knowing my limits, because I hate it when I am not playing and my team is losing. But I had to stop so it didn't make it worse.



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