Tuesday 23 January 2018

Ready to roll

1. Ray Columbus and the Invaders because: I liked their song choice of clothes and actions
2. Golden Harvest because: I liked their song.
3. New Zealand Underdogs because; I liked the background

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew!

    Thank you for sharing your ranking of the different songs, it's great to hear what you think and I really liked that you have a little reason why they are ranked the way they are!

    I agree with you, Ray Columbus and the Invaders did look pretty swish in their outfits and the song was very catchy!

    I also like the Golden Harvest song for the same reason ...their outfits gave me a little giggle and their very cool dances moves! (at least I am sure they were very cool back in the day!) :)

    Do you prefer the music we have now or do you like these songs better? I find it quite hard to judge as some of my favourite songs are from the 60's/70's/80's and 90's!

    You are doing awesome work on your blog Andrew keep it up!
    Ellee :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.