Tuesday 23 January 2018

You have to pay to play

I think we should have to pay for University because we choose what we want to do and we will work harder if we have to pay for it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew!

    Wow! You have truly been powering through these activities! Congratulations on completing all of Week 4 and 3's tasks. I had a look on my tracker and it looks like you only have about 7 activities left!! That is amazing, you should feel very proud! :)

    I really like your answer to this question, I agree with you - I think that university is a choice so why not pay.... I just wish the fee's weren't as much as they are, I think that would be a fair middle ground!

    Do you think you will go to university after school to study history?
    Hopefully by the time you get to studying the fee's will go down!
    How do you feel about the first year of University being free? Do you think that's a good idea?

    I will be interested to hear what you think!

    Ellee :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.