Sunday 30 December 2018

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

If I had to pick how I wanted to travel to Milford Sound I would like to walk because:

1.   I would be able to see some scenes of the Lord of the rings movies.
2.   I would be able to see the rivers from the mountains.
3.   I would be able to walk by the snow topped mountains.

Link to Photo   Reflections in Milford Sound

Image result for milford sound


  1. Hi Andrew!

    Good choice, I think walking would be beautiful and you have given some great reasons behind your choice as well.
    I am also really impressed with how you've attributed your image (What a superstar!) - It make such an eye catching post when you are able to add an image, try keep em' coming!

    I really like that one of your reasons is to see the scenes from the Lord of the Rings movies, is there a particular part from the movie you would like to see?
    I recently went to Hobbiton (Matamata) and that was very cool, if you get the chance I'd really recommend it Andrew!

    Great job with your post, hopefully you really will be able to walk the Milford Sound one day!
    Ellee :)

  2. Hi Ellee

    I would like to see Helms Deep, the Black Gate, Rohan, Bree and Rivendell but I don't think they you can see them (except for Bree) though - only some of the scenery surrounding them.
    Hobbiton would be cool too!
    I really enjoyed reading The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings but I wish they hadn't changed so much in The Hobbit movie - especially the barrels and Kili and the elf.

    1. Hi Andrew!

      Oh yeah, I think it would be amazing to see all those places - I also used to go for bush walks in the area that they filmed for Rivendell, I haven't been back recently though to see the actual place where they filmed but it is a beautiful place!
      I haven't read any of the books, I've only seen all of the movies but I didn't like how much CGI was in the Hobbit movies - I like that he used real people as the main orcs in LOTR, like Lurtz in the first film!
      What parts about those characters did they change? Their look or their plot line?

      Ellee :)

  3. I thought the casting was quite good.

    Legolas wasn't in The Hobbit book and Dwarves and Elves generally don't like each other - the love story bit would never have happened.

    1. Oh woah!! I didn't realised that he had added Legolas in...
      Ah the love story bit is very much hollywood film edition of the Hobbit! I feel like I need to read the book now to get the real version!

      Do you have a favourite character?

      Ellee :)


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