Monday 13 January 2020

SLJ - Talk Show Host

My future plans would be to become a professional sports player and play a sport like Basketball, Soccer or Rugby.
Or a professional singer/guitarist/songwriter but if I can't get either of these I would like to be a lawyer because the law interests me.

I would want to be a professional sports player because I would get to be outside and do lots of sports and get to go lots of cool places for free. A musician because it is fun and I play guitar already and many of my idols are singers and sports players.


  1. Hi Andrew
    I think you have done a really good job in doing this activity. You have not only suggested what you would like to become but other things that you could become if you couldn't get your dream job. Well done, I hope you get your dream job. Keep it up

  2. Kia ora Andrew,

    Leisha here again!

    I loved reading this post and hearing what your future plans are. To be a professional sports player would be amazing wouldn’t it!

    It is great that you have also provided back-up future plans too. So if you don’t make it to be a professional sports player, you would like to be a professional musician and songwriter! How cool! How long have you been playing the guitar for? I am teaching myself to play. I know a couple of songs, but still learning.

    Being a lawyer is an interesting option too. You would need to go to university to become a lawyer and work very hard.

    Whatever you end up doing Andrew, I’m sure you will be successful and hardworking.

    Thanks for sharing. I noticed this is your last SLJ post so far. The SLJ programme finishes on the 24th January so you still have plenty of time to complete some more activities and collect more points. I hope to see more posts from you soon.



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.