Thursday 20 December 2018

Scaling New Heights

If I met Sir Edmund Hillary 5 questions I would ask him would be:

1. How long did it take you to climb Mount Everest?
2. What made you think a tractor would drive to the South Pole?
3. How did you prepare to climb Mount Everest with no oxygen?
4. Why did you decide to climb Mount Everest?
5. What food did you take with you on your expeditions?

Hillary on the summit of Mount Seally in the Southern Alps NZ 1947. From  Pictorial Celebration Sir Edmund Hillary
Link to Photo
Image result for sir edmund hillary


  1. Hi Andrew!

    These are some great questions to ask Sir Edmund Hilary, I really like questions 3, 4 and 5!
    Great job with attributing your image too :)
    ...I am also curious about the story behind question 2.... Sir Edmund wanted to drive a tractor to the South Pole?

    I wonder what kind of training you would have to do in order to climb with no oxygen - sounds really dangerous!

    I did have a little read about him on this short bigraphy page:

    It tells you a little bit about how he first became interested in mountains which I thought was pretty cool... incase you want to check it out :)

    Do you think that you would like to climb a mountain like this one day?

    Keep up the awesome work Andrew!
    Ellee :)

  2. Hi Ellee

    Thanks for telling me about this site.
    I would not like to climb Mount Everest one day, its a bit like going to space - it sounds cool but I think it would be really dangerous and hard and might make you feel a bit sick.



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