Saturday, 12 January 2019

Bird of the Year


A NZ duck that doesn’t quack. They need clear, fast-flowing rivers. Stoats and declining habitat are major threats to Whio. With fewer than 3000 left, it’s up to us to help them out.

Blue duck/whio: wetland and river bird   Link to Photo

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew

    You have chosen a really special bird as your bird of the year. Di you know that there are some Whio in the Moonlight area near Blackball.
    My daughter used to work for DOC when she was at high school and had to spend a day up there clearing some traps on the track. And while they were there saw some Whio in the river. She was blown away and so excited as she is a huge bird lover.
    Hopefully if everyone does their part caring for the rivers this will leave a clean habitat for these ducks. DOC is doing a great job making sure they keep on top of the stoat problem in New Zealand. The combination of these two things will greatly increase the population of this species.

    Well done Andrew, you are doing a great job with all of your activities.

    Until next time

    Allie :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.